Is Your Home Protected From Fire and Theft?
October 29, 2014 | DIY & Home Improvement | No comments
The family home is where memories are made and stories begin. Unfortunately the home is also susceptible to damage through many forms, which is why it is important to protect your home as much as you can. To give you a helpful hand, whether you’re a first time buyer or you’ve been in your home for a number of years, we’ve outlined some of the household safety products you should install in and around your home.
When it comes to household safety, many people will obviously think about protecting their home from burglars, and whilst this is important it’s also vital that you protect your home (and its occupants) from fire and gas leaks.
To do this, you should seriously consider purchasing and installing:
Smoke Alarms:
Smoke during a house fire can not only cause significant damage to the home, but smoke inhalation can also result serious health issues. However, smoke is often one of the first signs of a fire within the home, which is why it’s important to ensure that smoke alarms are fitted within the home.
The Kidde Fire Sentry Micro Smoke Alarms (Twin Pack) is a battery operated smoke alarm which provides an inexpensive way to protect homes and the occupants from smoke. The easy to install alarms, which include a test button, will not only provide adequate warning of a fire within the home, but it also includes a low battery warning helping you to ensure that your smoke alarm is always working.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
You cannot see it, taste it or smell it, but carbon monoxide can kill, and quickly if left undetected. Thankfully there are a number of steps which you can take to limit the chance of carbon monoxide poisoning happening, including checking your appliances to ensure there are no leaks.
Another step which can be taken is to introduce a carbon monoxide detector, such as the Kidde Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital Display into the home.
The alarm, which can be free standing or wall mounted, is battery operated and features a highly effective detecting technology, which updates the digital screen with a carbon monoxide reading every 15 seconds, helping to significantly reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning within your home.
Gas Detectors:
As with carbon monoxide, gas can also present a danger within the home, and despite most gases having either an odour or a taste, hundreds of people each year suffer serious health issues as a result of gas poisoning within the home.
The Skytronic Gas Detector Alarm can help prevent you from being another person who suffers health complications due to gas poisoning, as the device detects household, liquid and natural gas whilst its sensor reacts with diffused gases in the air and generates a linear voltage sound, to offer further protection when the alarm signals a red LED light also flashes.
Along with installing products which will help detect fires or gas leaks, in the unfortunate situation that a fire does start within your home, to limit the damage and to protect your family, make sure you have the following within your home.
Escape Ladders:
Every homeowner should have a clear idea of their emergency escape route should a large fire start within the home. If you’re downstairs, the chances are you’ll be able to either escape through a door – whether this be the front, back or patio – or out through a window.
But what about when you’re upstairs and unable to make it downstairs due to the stairs being blocked?
In these situations, the only viable option is usually to climb out of a window and to use either the drainpipe to shimmy down, or to throw a mattress on the floor to land on. Neither are ideal, which is why at BuySpares we’d recommend purchasing the Kidde Escape Ladder, whose tangle-free form can help you safely climb down from the second storey in an emergency.
It is worth noting however that the Kidde Escape Ladder has been designed to be used only once and should therefore not be practised with.
Fire Extinguisher:
In 2006, there were a reported 4,900 injuries caused by fires which were started by cooking appliances within the UK, with an average of 20 people per day injured by such fires. Whilst there are a few precautions which can be taken to reduce risk of a chip pan fire occurring, such as never filling the pan more than a third full, and drying food before putting it in, there is still a risk that a fire within the home could start.
To reduce the damage caused to both your property and its occupants should a fire begin within the home, it is recommended to have at least one Kidde Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher which can be used on most types of common fires within the home, and is ideal on small domestic fires.
With the inside of your home protected against fires and gas leaks, help reduce the risk of your home becoming the victim of burglary by installing….
Outside Lighting:
When it comes to home safety, it isn’t just inside the house where you need to consider safety aspects, measures should also be taken outside by installing outside lighting such as the Lyvia 10W LED Floodlight with PIR.
Such lighting can be beneficial around the outside of your property for a number of reasons. Firstly, it can offer you important light when approaching your home during the dark hours helping you to feel safe.
Secondly, outside lighting can also act as a deterrent to would-be burglars as the motion sensors will provide a bright light across your garden, alerting you to someone (or something’s) presence in your garden, enabling you to take the required precautions.
Utilising such household safety products will help you to keep those memories already built up within your home, and add new memories, turning your house into your dream home for years to come.
Tags: Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Escape Ladders, Home Security, Smoke Alarms