5 Cooking Appliances That Will Make Your Year Healthier

Juicer With Glass Of Orange Juice And Fruit

Are you trying to turn over a new leaf this time of year by looking after your body better? Fitting in the time to prepare healthy meals from scratch can be hard, but it’s the best way to get the most nutrients into your body.

A few tips to help you eat healthier in the New Year are:

  • Do your prep in advance so you can still enjoy a home-cooked meal when you don’t have time to do dinner.
  • Don’t cut out your favourite foods otherwise you’ll just end up craving them. Enjoy them in moderation instead.
  • Keep the alcohol to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks contain lots of calories and can slow down your immune system too.

Luckily there are some great appliances out there to help you improve your diet.

Healthy Morphy Richards Steamer Appliance


Steaming is the healthiest way to cook vegetables and also makes it harder to overcook them so they’ll be crisp and delicious. For steamed vegetables you need a steamer. Steamers with various compartments or tiers are especially good as they let you cook multiple different foods at the same time.



Health Grill With Vegetables And Meat

Health Grill

Grilling is better for you than frying. Frying introduced additional fats and oils into your food whereas grilling lets fats in meat drip away as it cooks. If you get yourself a health grill you can cook meat and fish for your meals easily and healthily. For vegetarians, grills can also be used to make delicious vegetables full of flavour or melted cheese grilled sandwiches.



Black Bodum Tea Press

Tea Press

Brewed tea leaves, like green tea or lemon and ginger tea are full of antioxidants and healthy compounds. A tea press, which is a cross between a coffee press and teapot, allows you to enjoy the taste of loose leaf tea whilst at the same time keeping the leaves out of your mug. Get tea presses and tea press spares here.



Breville Blend And Go Blender


Make smoothies, milkshakes, protein shakes and iced drinks easily with a blender (though the latter may be best saved for when the weather gets a little warmer). There are lots of different types of blender including ones in which the blender jug doubles as a drinking bottle, for added convenience and easy cleaning.



Black And Stainless Steel Soup Maker

Soup Maker

Soups are warming, filling and (if they’re homemade) can be packed full of the good stuff your body needs. With a soup maker all you need to do is prepare your hot stock, chop your veggies and the appliance will do the rest. There are soup maker models which will blend your stock to varying thicknesses and sauté garlic and onions for you too.



Appliances that will help you eat healthily don’t stop here either. There are slow cookers, juicers, spiralizers and more out there, all of which can take some of the effort out of getting a balanced nutritious diet.

If you’re exercising too, to improve your health even further and you find your muscles aching, try heated pads to help alleviate muscle pain or just to help you warm up in winter. Happy New Year and happy new you!

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