Showing posts from: Money Saving Tips

A Bright Idea For Saving Money

Energy efficiency is a hot topic and one thing that is sure to be mentioned is lighting. This post aims to answer some common questions including: How much can energy efficient light bulbs save the average household? How do energy saving bulbs compare to traditional light bulbs? And what types of energy saving light bulbs are available?Read more

Unusual and Useful Tips for Around The Home – Part 2

Unusual and Useful Tips for Home ImprovementAt BuySpares, our saying is “Repair Not Replace” and we’re always on the lookout for ways to help make your money go further – so far, in fact, that it just might need a plane ticket! So with that in  mind, we’re back again, armed with more cool and quirky pieces of inspiration for your home that just might make you say “Oh, what a good idea!” and other assorted exclamations of delight (well, whatever floats your boat I suppose).

We’ve already shared some ideas in our Unusual and Useful Tips for Around the Home – Part One post, and now we’ve got a handful of other money saving DIY hacks for you to try around the home.

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Can You Clean Without Chemicals?

These days, the options available when shopping for kitchen cleaning products are both varied and overwhelming. It can be really tricky making a decision on what product to buy when so many claim to be able to do the same things, but in better ways than all the others. However, by switching to natural, non-chemical based cleaners, you can make your decision much easier while doing your bit for the environment and your family. In an area like the kitchen where food is stored and prepared, eliminating the need for harsh and robust chemical cleaners will be beneficial for your household.Read more

Batteries Not Included!

This definitely isn’t what you want to discover Christmas morning when the kids are all excited about using their new toys, gadgets and gizmos. With this in mind it never hurts to keep a supply of batteries in the house just in case. Alternatively, if you’re a fan of the rechargeable type, take the hassle out of electronic gifts by ensuring they are fully charged and ready to go – this way you won’t get caught out!Read more