Easily Descale Your Coffee Maker with Durgol

Durgol coffee machine descaler is suitable for various brands of coffee maker and multiple types of coffee machine including fully automatic, semi-automatic, manual and ‘coffee pod’ machines. To continue to enjoy the great taste of barista coffee at home it is essential that you keep your machine clean and this includes the internal components that can be damaged by limescale.
Each bottle of the powerfully formulated Durgol contains the perfect dosage to completely clean and descale your coffee maker. If you allow limescale to take hold in your coffee machine than it will affect the taste of your coffee, reduce the efficiency of your machine and can even cause internal parts to fail.

Many leading brands of coffee machine recommend that you use a descaler regularly and it is not just your coffee maker that needs to be protected from limescale it can also damage your washing machine, dishwasher and many more home appliances – especially if you with in a hard water area!


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